Mission, Vision, Values

The Colorado State Capital building on a sunny day.


Paving the pathways to full participation in communities for people with disabilities and supporting Colorado’s Centers for Independent Living.


The Colorado Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) envisions a Colorado that offers equal and full participation in professional and community life to all people with disabilities.


  • We believe in an independent living philosophy that allows individuals with disabilities to determine the type of support we need to live in and contribute to our community.
  • We recognize the value of all people, and acknowledge our rights to dignity, freedom, and inclusion.
  • We support a cross-disability, multicultural and disability justice perspective that promotes consumer control.
  • We believe the application of independent living philosophy and the delivery of independent living services create an environment that supports the potential of all Coloradans.

SILC Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Membership on the SILC is based on disability and geography, and requires the Governor's approval.  At least 51% of people on the SILC must have disabilities. Our work is toward justice, equity and the full inclusion of all people with disabilities. Because disability is equal opportunity, membership recruitment will also seek out new members based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, citizenship, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, and socioeconomic status. While we ourselves have been marginalized because of our disabilities, it is important that we hear from other marginalized people who also experience disability. We value what insights a diverse Council can bring to the table. We understand that people who feel included and respected are more likely to contribute by creating pathways to full participation for people with disabilities.

Independent Living Philosophy

Colorado SILC’s mission, vision and values are built on the fundamental concept of the independent living philosophy, which challenges the long-held view that “people with disabilities need care from their community” to one of “people with disabilities can determine the type of support they need to live in and contribute to their community.”

Independent Living philosophy emphasizes consumer control, the idea that people with disabilities are the best experts on their own needs, having crucial and valuable perspectives to contribute and deserving of equal opportunity to decide how to live, work, and take part in their communities, particularly in reference to services that powerfully affect their day-to-day lives and access to independence.  

Learn more at ncil.org (Link opens in new page)

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