Colorado SILC Meetings

Quarterly Meeting May 17, 2023

Meeting Details

  • Date: May 17, 2023
  • Location: Colorado Springs
  • and on Zoom

Meeting minutes are below or you may Download the Minutes (docx)

If you need assistance with any of the linked documents, please email SILC at


Staci Nichols * Leo Santos – NWCCI
Dan Ashbaugh * Dr. Angela Green – potential State Rep
Sage Sigman * Peter Pike, OILS
Evan Shockley * Sara Hansen, OILS
Edgar Morales * Mark Windel, The IC
Cat McManus * 2 ASL interpreters
Jeremy Chatelain * Alison – CTSR
Courtney Walsh * Trudy Adams – Courtney’ s driver
Martha Mason * Stephanie Carroll – HR The IC
Scott Lindbloom * Joan LaBelle – Denver ADA
Ty Smith * Gail Melton – Outreach, The IC
Indy Frazee * J Cioffi – The IC IL Program Manager
Susan Donahoo Paige – Zoom
Matt Bohanan Phillip Young – The IC
Louise Wilson * Connie Chavez
Rochelle – Connections
ABSENT:  None Shannon Burke – YLF
* Voting Member

Call to Order 10:00

  • Welcome and Housekeeping – Mark & Ty
  •  Introductions

SILC business

  • Approval of Agenda
    • Motion to approve:  Martha
    • Second: Dan
    • Discussion:  none
    • Vote:  Approved
  • Approval of August Minutes as amended
    • Motion to approve:  Scott
    • Second: Indy
    • Discussion:  One typo
    • Vote:  Approved
  • SILC’s FY23-2024 Budget – Dan
    • Dan reviewed the budget, and says it’s pretty standard.  We don’t know the amount of Part B that will remain at the end of our FY.  Includes SILC Congress and APSE Congress.  Close to 60K in carryover – If you think we need something, send a note to Dan.
      • Motion to approve:  Scott
      • Second: Sage
      • Discussion:  There was some discussion around changes and surety of funding.
      • Vote:  Approved
  •  Insurance – A grant has required us to get insurance.  Dan got one bid, no one responded to the two Ty requested.  Easy to justify going with the one we received.  We need Board & Officers insurance and a $1M General Liability insurance cap for $696/year paid annually.  We’ll need GL for YLF and any other “programs.”  $1K in budget for both.
    • Motion to approve buying Board & Officers and General Liability insurance:  Sage
    • Second: Scott
    • Discussion:  There was some discussion about the necessity of insurance.
    • Vote:  Approved
  • Implementing new procedures – Evan
    • Bylaws are not out of compliance, and we do check them annually and they need to be updated.  Jeremy is going through ILRU trainings to be sure he doesn’t miss anything.  He welcomes ideas and comments based on the current bylaws.  There are currently two issues we need to address:
      • Bylaws state no more than 1 member from a given CIL, but we currently have 6 CIL staff – 2 each from 3 CILs, because circumstances changed after members were appointed.
      • We need at least 51% non-CIL employees or State Reps.  We will now have 6 from CILS & 3 State Reps, out of 15 members, so we are out of compliance on that.  The Governor’s Order says 15 members, so we would need permission to expand.  The Rehab Act requires representation from 3 state agencies (including DVR) – that will put us at 16.  There was some discussion around whether the Governor’s Order refers to 15 voting members.  How would adding 2-3 members benefit the SILC?  Jeremy and the governance committee will explore the idea of expanding and make a recommendation to the council.
      • Sage pointed out that we need a Conflict-of-Interest pledge.
    • SILC committee chairs agreed to get reports out before the quarterly meetings, and members will read reports before meetings.  Committee chairs will also put minutes online after every meeting. This should allow us to spend less time on reports, and more on governance.
    • Next Meeting Location – We agreed that it’s good policy to know the schedule of meetings ahead of time, and to attach the meetings to Centers.  We need to reconnect with the Centers after the pandemic.  The hosting Center used to do a presentation for lunch.  We were last at Atlantis.  We usually do a retreat once a year as well, and that could be at a CIL.
      • Salida and Steamboat were both suggested for 08/16/2023, so we had a vote between Steamboat and Salida and decided on Steamboat Springs.
      • We discussed the idea of putting September retreat out to CILs to see who might be interested in hosting. There is also a history of doing retreats at satellite offices.  The Executive Committee will begin working on a September retreat.
  • Think Big Conference – August 28 – 30 in Loveland.  Do we want to send someone?  Do a presentation?  Send YLF?  Theme is work force, work-based learning, and technology.  The YLF has given a presentation in the past.  There are other options for local conferences as well, plus APSE and SILC Congress that are already budgeted for.  Additionally, the CILs are looking at a retreat and a conference, and we’re trying to get SILC Congress to come here.
    • Martha proposed that we have enough money in the carryover funding to do anything we want with Think Big.  We’ll know more in July about what we have to spend down and what some potential SPIL goals might be, so we should do a brainstorming session then.
  • Meeting times of Committees – Remember that everyone must be on a committee
    • Membership: 3rd Monday from 3:00-4:00
    • Governance:
    • Finance: 2nd Thursday from 2:30-3:30
    • Resource Development: 3rd Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 pm
      • (Moved on Council meeting months)
    • Public Policy:  2nd Thursday from 2:00-2:30
    • SPIL Committee: 2nd Thursday of the month 10:30-12:00
    • Youth Committee: 1st Tuesday from 4:00-5:00

SILC Updates

  • SILC’s Website is being updated.  Send Ty your bios and pictures.  Have done lots of work already.  Anything for website must be submitted by the end of this month
  • SILC Congress Report – Cat, Evan, Staci, Ty, and Sarah went.  They will send out a report via email, and include it on the website.
  • Electronic Votes
    • Coordinators’ SOWs – The Resource Development Committee brought forth the proposal that the SILC should accept the Coordinator SOW, and contract for both a SILC Coordinator and a YLF Coordinator.  The money for both is in the budget.  No motion is necessary because the proposal came from a committee.
      Discussion:  There was much discussion around the history of those contract positions, where the money comes from, what the process of contracting involves, and the Scope of Work.
      • Vote:  Approved (10 responses for, none against, plus 1 non-voting member in support)
      • The Governor requests no electronic votes in compliance with the Open Records Act, so we will try to avoid electronic votes.  If we have to, because there are time sensitive issues and we only meet quarterly, we need to include the motion, discussion, tally, etc. on the website.   

CIL Updates 

  • ACCIL –
    • Working with Denver Metro Fair Housing – Please see the FAQ
    • More bills seen on the legislative floor touching people with disabilities than ever before in state history, most moving on to law.
    • Rochelle suggests signing up for Center newsletters
  • Atlantis – Ty
    • New employee Courtney!
    • New ED soon.
  • CFI – no report
  • CPWD
  • Maria was hoping to host the August SPIL meeting.
    • Did you know that CPWD’s Employment program has three full-time employees? Two are certified Benefits Counselors (CPWIC by VCU) and one is a certified Employment Support Professional (CESP). In addition to their professional qualifications and training, our employees bring lived experiences with disabilities into their expertise. Currently, this three-person team is working with 70 individuals with disabilities who have employment goals. 
    • In the month of March, we had 16 new Intakes and more than 100 Information and Referral services. Nine consumers successfully closed services due to achieving goals or other reasons. Altogether, we are currently serving 494 people in our geographic area. 
    • Registration is now open for our annual summer Youth Employment Program. For six weeks, young adults will learn about themselves, build confidence, and feel empowered to seek educational or employment opportunities. 
    • For the full calendar of services and to sign up or share visit Services Calendar on our website 
    • For CPWD’s blog and to stay connected visit our Blog on our website 
  • CTSR – Allison
    • Allison is the new IL Coordinator
    • Spring Jubilee 06/02.
    • Doing a Youth Leadership Conference this summer.
  • Connections – Rochelle
    • Partnering with CPWD on the Veterans program.
    • Concerned about huge budget cuts coming.
    • Grant from Colorado Department of Outdoor Recreation & Wildlife to fund a youth outdoors program.  A paid intern from UNC is heading this up.
    • New Long Term Covid program, presentations.
    • New Board Member.
    • Participating in State broadband diversity & equity efforts.
  • DRS
    • Lots of summer programming
  • The IC – Edgar
    • Planning ADA celebration festival -food, fun and equipment demonstrations.
    • Adaptive archery, gardening, fitness, movies, horseback riding.
    • Recertified by Office of ILS – 3 years.
  • NWCCI – no report
  • SWCI
    • Received funding from DOLA along with 15 State Housing Vouchers to expand our transitions program. We are in the process of hiring a Community Transitions Specialist. 
    • In the process of pursuing a contract with the VA for Veteran Directed Care, with a goal of beginning the program this summer.
    • Currently doing an Independent Living Mini Series in Cortez, which is a series of free classes throughout May and June for consumers and community members to learn more about IL, employment readiness, benefits, and more.
    • We will be hosting a free disability community BBQ event on July 26th in Durango to celebrate the anniversary of the ADA. 

Partner Updates

  • State Rehabilitation Council – no report
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation – Susan – DVR is reviewing processes and would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
  • Health Care Policy and Finance – Matt – Office of Community Living/Access Unit Supervisor
    • Reminder that the public health emergency was over on 05/11/2023, so some Medicaid programs will change.  Feel free to contact Matt for info.
    • The DOJ found that the state of Colorado was unfairly putting people in facility-based settings (SNFs).  HCPF is trying to use this as a way to address some very needed areas of change, and is working with the DOJ on a proposal.  Will be transparent when it comes together.  The response to the DOJ creates a compliance and innovation program, and the In-Reach Program to build more awareness for what’s out there to support community living.  Meeting with all 225 nursing facilities to ask what we can do better, building awareness.  Look for opportunities to participate.
    • HCPF is transitioning to a new software program for Case Management activities.  Anticipated to go live in March but still finalizing.
    • Money Follows the Person (MFP) is a federal grant program that helps people in nursing/intermediate care facilities who want to move out.  CCT (Consumer Choice Transition) was Colorado’s pilot.  HCPF is following federal changes – Separate supplemental services were one-time expenses, but the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) changed this to make supports available short term before and after move – rental, food, accessibility, tenant support up to 6 months.  There will be a 05/31 proposal to CMS.  This is an evolution of what was created with current transition services – how to better support some areas of concern that became known during COVID:  continuity of care, access to social support, more accessible, person driven, supports on how to maintain voucher, lease, Home Mods before moving out.  This is for SNF transitions, not everyone.
    • Colorado got 2 MFP fed grants totaling $500M to further evaluate and fund the program – no direct services.  Goals about streamlining, building capacity, availability.  $2M will be granted out to transition agencies.
  • Office of Independent Living Services (DSE) – Peter –
    • Congrats to SILC for submitting and being awarded grant applications.
    • Awesome to see such a great turnout here today.
    • Research project – SEEKS year 4.  SILC wrote a letter of support for the grant and is part of the advisory team.  Have completed recruitment – 180 people.  Info is on the website – questionnaire on applying for SSI & SSDI – 2 people a day request assistance.  Connecting them with CILs.  Doing some branding for SEEKS and working with the advisory team on branding and products.  Will be presenting at the National APSE Conference, a 3-hour workshop on unconscious bias.
    • Executed Options Letters for CILs for contracts for services. Duty to make sure Centers are Certified in accordance with Rehab Act.
    • Two opportunities –
      • Colorado DVR is applying for the Disability Innovation Funds.  This is funded through Rehabilitation Services Administration through the US Department of Education.  Required partners include DVR, Department of Education, Local education agencies, and Centers for Independent Living.  DVR has held planning meetings over the last three weeks.  The grant application is due June 5.  Asking for funding to put CILs and DVR in schools.  Will find out in October. 
      • National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network – Colorado received technical assistance to remove a barrier – the overall unawareness of benefits planning.  The Office is developing a message, doing research, and developing a statewide strategy plan to increase awareness with state agencies, businesses, young adults, service providers, any adults.
  • Region 8 SILC Rep – Scott is now the Region VIII Rep.
    • He has been working with SILCs in the region.
    • He believes the DSE needs to work on a relationship with DHS.  Concern that Medicaid and Part B/C federal monies might be cut if there is no increase to the deficit level.  Maybe CILs could contract with CDHS.
    • Plan to do SILC Outreach through Region 8 as a whole.  Scott will travel with Disability Law Colorado to do outreach.