Colorado SILC Meetings 2011 -2015

Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, November 13, 2013

General Meeting

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Renaissance Denver Hotel
3801 Quebec St, Denver, CO   80207


Call to order/introductions/Chairperson’s remarks 

Anna is sick and asked Julia to fill in.   Meeting rules say that only members sit at the table, all others can observe…unless a SILC Member invites them to comment on something.

Present: Julia, Sue, Jean, Lori, Buna, Joe, Sandy, Travis, Jerry, Larry, Priscilla, & Dixie

Not present: Deb, Jennifer, Anna, & Martha

Came in later: Gary Montrose (Policy Consultant & CLASP), Tim Wheat (CPWD), Christina Johnson, & Anaya Robinson from Atlantis Community Inc.

Approval of minutes

Joe made the motion, Jean seconded it, all in favor, 3 abstentions, APPROVED.

Committee Reports

Finance (Sandy): Expenses for Grand Junction meeting, we are anticipating that expenses will go up since there are more members.   Budget keeps adjusting as things come up.

Public Policy (Lori standing in for Deb): We might want to update the statistics on our website.

SPIL (Buna): Meeting times are every 2nd Monday at 1pm. We are identifying priorities for Year 1 and making a survey to collect data.

Data (Julia & Jean): They have a collaboration with Deb Peterson with SRC since they all need the same data.

Youth (Joe): He changed the time and day of the meetings. Our first official meeting will be in Dec, the 3rd Thurs of the month at 3:30pm. Through Project 18 committee, kids on Joe’s council go in the community. A potential new SILC member might be the new chair of our SILC Youth Committee. Joe is involved with several committees and is drawing on their expertise for a joint action. He’s trying to get the structures in place to push the SPIL forward.   He asked if someone not on the SILC could be on the committee, which is fine. They are looking for ages 16 – 26, depending on which programs they are using. He is also on the RTD Transit Academy and recruiting kids to work on one of them. He is proposing that SILC sponsor a youth to go through this training? DRCOG is involved with funding.   Claudia Folska is a RTD Board Member.

Membership (Julia): We have a new member, Jennifer.   She will be joining us on next meeting.   Now we’re at 14, and there is a youth that Joe recommends, Mario Rocha. There was a question about having a person under 18, and we weren’t sure about being a guardian for our trips across the state. HOWEVER, he just turned 18 in October! He is interested but also very busy. There are a few others in the waiting list. We could have up to 23 members, but we can’t afford more than 15 members with the travel and accommodation expenses.

SRC Report

Buna was unable to make the meeting.   Wed, Nov 20 is their next meeting.

Deb Peterson told Travis that the SRC is not very active now but will be once they are finishing their re-organization process.

DVR Report

New director, Joelle, had a first month that was eventful. DVR’s response to the state audit will be published on December 13.

  • SILC applications – We have 7 new applicants & 1 re-app. RSA granted us an extension to be fully constituted by Dec 1. Sue is writing a letter to the Governor and when he grants membership in his appointment letter, we are hoping that he will state that the SILC WILL BE constituted. She is asking that the Governor would give guidance from CDHS Office of Boards & Commissions: based on language in the Executive Order that the SILC may have up to 23 members, but we (as the SILC) cannot afford more than 15. Will be asking the Governor that this will represent full constitution for the SILC. We do follow the Boards & Commission order dates.
  • OIB – 6 centers have submitted their 704 reports to RSA, but SILC needs a copy.
  • 2 centers have that interim directors: CPWD & Atlantis. Atlantis is a Part C center.   B money from DVR. Part C is from federal funding. There are different processes for Part B & Part C site reviews. RSA & the feds are recognizing the difficulties, nationwide, of managing/running the CILs.
  • Larry asked about sitting in on site reviews, Sue will have to check on that.
  • RSA is posting the results of the site reviews on their website.
  • Coming up with guidance for the centers – a short training by Charissa & Metha
  • Survey on the SILC Needs Assessments: reaching out to frontier areas and different ethnic groups.
  • Continuing needs assessments the SPIL will be addressed


Ask CIL Directors for success stories.   Julia asked Priscilla to about to the updates to the website. They are subtle changes that helps the website flow better.

SILC Coordinator Report

Handed out the jump drives for Joe & Buna. Priscilla talked about the conferences on disability that she has been going to. Another will come up when she travels to Washington DC for the AUCD Conference. Other than than, it’s been all planning and conference calling.

New Business

  • Please put page numbers on all documents
  • Ask members if the data on the roster needs to be updated.
  • Sue is getting more phone calls for ppl asking for acc housing.
  • Priscilla could get a dedicated line and needs to research the cost.


SILC Basket:

We can put together some only-in-Colorado things. Julia could have it ready to send by end of the month to Lori to take with her on the plane.

One Country Coalition discussion and vote

Backstory: A while back we were approached for us to have our name on a website that supports the One Country Coalition movement.

(Excerpts from emails:
OCC: All that is needed is your consent to allow OCC to say that the Colorado Statewide Independent Living Council is a coalition member.  It’s that simple.  We want as large a coalition as soon as possible that is ready to swing into action if and when the Commission needs to hear from our group on a particular issue.

CO SILC: What do you mean by us “swinging into action?”  What sort of action are we expected to make?  Financial?  Writing to our Congress?  Canvassing?  We are spread out across the state, some live in rural areas, so it makes it hard to show support in person.  What are your target demographics?

OCC: If an issue regarding the fund’s implementation were to arise pops, then we might try to have the whole coalition (I would coordinate) send a letter/email to the FCC expressing an opinion on an issue relating to a rules proposal or interpretation.  Or, we might ask just a group of members to weigh in.  In the alternative, we might ask a member or two to write an op-ed, a letter to the editor (I would draft) for their local paper, or a letter to Member of Congress.  Up to now, the FCC has done a good job with the first phase of the program.  So, our advocacy has been light and so, we have focused on growing the coalition as the FCC works on phase 2.  There is no financial commitment whatsoever.  This will be very light lifting for you.  If you don’t want to do anything, except have your organization’s name listed as a member, then that’s fine, too.)

Priscilla brought it up to the full SILC meeting, and they had some questions and suggestions:

  • Rural places might have internet, but it might not work, especially with video or interpreting services.
  • Members suggested to check with other SILC? How did they do that? We are not allowed to lobby.
  • Ask SILC Congress.
  • Ask Region 8 about this.
  • We would also need to check with the State.
  • Maybe we could link to the website from OCC for more information and not sign off on it instead?
  • We could help with getting the word out and marketing, but we need to check with Governor & state offices.

New Housing Taskforce

Priscilla would like to address the housing issue in Colorado because she and many other people in wheelchairs are having problems. It seems like accessible and affordable are never in the same sentence. She was thinking about forming a taskforce of interested people to address the issue and try to brainstorm together. If everyone is working on this separately, then we are almost re-inventing the wheel a hundred times over.

Some suggestions from SILC Members:

  • Public Policy committee or bring back the Housing ad hoc
  • Lori is with CCT and has monthly conference calls on this with Chris Roe – Priscilla and Chris are also working on this together
  • Christina suggested asking CCDC because they are starting a project on homelessness
  • Joe was on a committee (Denver Housing Taskforce) – Louis Todd at Alchemy Consulting. We might find some resources with them.
  • Larry is interested in being on the taskforce.
  • Travis: For people living on the reservations who acquire disability housing, VR and social services can help and some Tribal help
  • Sue: need universal design like in Sacramento, all visitability homes
  • Association of Builders to make new homes accessibility
  • Rules for Construction and New
  • Home Builder Association is resistant, from Joe’s email
  • Jean: Aging & Elderly Programs
  • Survey for collecting data because a lot of people have info but they might not want to be on a committee (disability & aging population)

Noon              Lunch           

Public Comment Period

Christina Johnson from CCDC: board member of Atlantis. She was in a situation where she was homeless about a year ago. What does it look like? How does it feel? She never thought it could happen. She was able to find temporary housing through Atlantis. She was there for about 6 weeks and witnessed so much despair and pain in those residents’ lives.

Home modification program through Medicaid Long Term Care: $15,000, different counties give other amts. The person doing it didn’t do it right, was patronizing her, her counselor disclosed her disability; PLUS, the worker was paid before the job was done and it was not done right.

Tim Wheat from CPWD: talked about this blog that’s on the CPWD’s website. There is an article about housing.

Dixie Herring from the IC: has contractors coming to the center for doing home mods

ACCIL Report from Larry Williams:

– Retreat in Frisco: apply for 503c to get an ARM to raise funds for the centers

– Met with the new DVR Director about issues the centers are facing. There seems to be a communication problem between SILC, Centers, & DSU. There have been issues with contract payments for some struggling centers for getting their reimbursement, and every line item is being scrutinized. One center is facing closing the doors.


  • find grant $ to have the center has a slush fund.
  • New OIB Contracts: Why did it take so long to get their money? The centers had to lay off people.
  • Larry didn’t cut staff but doesn’t know how he is going to pay for that ($12,000).
  • Then, they are required to go through an audit and make sure their center is doing everything right.
  • Site certification procedures: should be an across the board method
  • The audit spent so much time on the negative aspects of the centers and didn’t go through the successes.
  • There’s some conversation about considering to go under HCPF, and they are exploring that possibility.
  • Either way, there will always be regulations.

CDHS Office of Boards & Commissions – Jean McCallister and Mary McGhee

  • Sue said that there is a new process for appointing members on the state board. It will be mandatory training. It’s about the roles & responsibilities for anyone serving on a Governor’s Board.
  • It takes 15-30 min to complete the training.
  • Remember that line on the application that asks if the applicant has done anything to embarrassing the Governor?   There is a reason for that line!
  • That’s why we have the pre-app process and that’s why it takes so long; SRC is getting scrutinized.

Mary McGhee from CDHS:

There are 37 boards in total.   It’s a web-based training that we will all have to take about open meeting and records, ethics, etc…

Technical Assistance: They are checking the by-laws to make sure they are not over-stepping our boundaries and make sure that everyone on the same page. This will help empower our staff and all of you to do the job we need you to do to help our constituents.

Remember that emails are subject to open meeting/door policies.

Governor wants that the terms are 8 years or no more than 2 terms, whichever is less. They are trying to make a standardized process and make sure the boards are diverse (i.e. geographically, gender, ethnic…)

They want a bigger outreach, what can they bring to the table? The boards should be representation of the people we serve.

Process once they get the application, vetting process begins:

  • – 2 layers: cultural piece, the packet (if anything is missing), do a Google search and if there’s anything that can embarrass or negative impact the Governor, criminal background with Romaine Pacheco.   If there is a negative, that negative might be turned into a positive (alcoholism in their 20s and later became a counselor)
  • – There a matrix that they use to make sure that everything is cross-checked.
  • – Many layers of requirements for each board
  • – This Governor says 2 terms for one board, but after their term ends, they can get on another state board.
  • – Look at the Governor’s website, look for the Boards & Commissions to see all of the boards.

What about hidden agendas? Anyone can apply, but there are screening processes.   There are sometimes conflict of interest issues. There are ways to deal with those issues. We have to give reasons of why others were rejected and others were approved.   We don’t want to look like we are cherry-picking members. Ethical, thoughtful…

For those who are interested or know someone, email us, have a conversation with Membership Committee about what is expected, time commitments, invite them to check out the website and fill out the pre-app.

Deadline to complete the training:

  • From the time we get the email, they have 60 days.
  • After the initial roll-out of new members, we will only have 30 days.
  • They only have to do once unless the laws/statutory changes.
  • It might become a national training.
  • Can take it more than once.

RCCO (Regional Care Collaborative Organization) – Gary Montrose (Policy & Strategy Consultant)

RCCO-ILC Accessibility & Disability Competent Care Protocols

  • – They are writing a contract with CMS (feds) & HCPF (Medicaid) – care coordination to implement from acute care to long term based on quality outcomes. Changing the delivery and financing system in the state.
  • – Accountability for care of populations.   As it is now, doctors never have to be accountable about the system.
  • – Disconnect between the doctors and service the patient receives
  • – Goes back to the IL Principles: how I operationalize the choice and living independently, disability competent care
  • – Please review the document and get a sense of committee/council can be supportive of this.

See PowerPoint he provided:

  • Objectives: bottom line. Are the ILC the right orgs that right to coax the medical community to come together with the disability community.
  • How we will work together? Not forcing the doctor’s compliance but increasing the awareness & education. This protocol is aimed at care coordinators / case mgrs..

Increasing Provider Awareness & Compliance

  • The language has to be non-inflammatory so we can maintain good relations between the medical to the disability community
  • Barrier Removal
  • Demonstrations
  • Local Disability Resources


  • Include psychiatric/mental disabilities, TBI’s…
  • Incorporate this training to the pre-med school or medical campus.
  • Ex: Brain Injury Trust Fund, Spinal Cord Injury Org, etc…
  • Maybe organize a day retreat to get disability advocacy & education groups with the RCCOs

We did a straw poll taken at the meeting, and the support of the SILC members here support the language and moving forward

Center Spotlight – Mark Cunningham, Interim Executive Director, at the Atlantis Community Inc

Highlight Christina Johnson & Anaya Robinson standing in for Mark:

  • – Life College program: a transitional service for 18-25 years old.
    • o With Medicaid Buy-In, people can think about living on their own
    • o Peer support, informal mentoring, etc
    • o Cross-disability
    • o Hopefully able to demonstrate on a national level. Next summer, they will do it again.
  • – There are 2 interim executive directors at Atlantis: Program director and Day to Day director

Anaya: Transition Coordinator

  • – She has 3 transitioned so far.
  • – She has another one on the 26th and another one on the 1st & 2nd week of December
  • – Getting housing vouchers for transitioning can be difficult
  • – She just started working there in her position in March
  • – They are creating an advisory group to work thru the kinks of transitioning
  • – Typical age of transition: 46-68 years old, but all ages and every disability type
  • – There is a high amount of people still living in a nursing home
  • – Some nursing facilities want people to transition out, but the PEOPLE themselves don’t want to leave
  • – The waivers are difficult to get on / waiting lists are very long
  • – Community First Choice (CFC) Council: personal care to bridge the gap of getting services and being on the waiting lists
  • – Homelessness or nursing home??   It’s hard to stay in homes because a safe discharge is written to be vague and there’s no one to help someone after they are discharged
  • – Level of care eligibility: Once you ask for transition, have an assessment on if a person can transition. If they meet requirements, they have 11 days left in the home and then without a waiver or some kind of help, they end up homeless.
  • – It’s a vicious cycle

The end of the meeting.

Jerry made the motion, Sandy seconded it, all were in favor, MEETING ADJOURNED.

Adjourn – Tour of Atlantis – 201 S Cherokee – Denver 80223

MLK Blvd to Broadway and west on Alamada

Next meeting: January 15, 2014 in Colorado Springs