Colorado SILC Meetings 2011 -2015

Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2012


Colorado SILC Meeting

November 8, 2012

Pueblo, Colorado

(Minutes approved January 16,3013)


Present: Julia Beems, Anna French, Buna Dahal, Joe Anzures, Larry Williams, Susan Fager

Absent: Chris Roe, Martha Mason

Guests: Rob Buzogany, Reina Wright, Billy Allen

Staff: Judy Neal


Introduction and Chairperson’s Remarks

Julia asked that we each introduce ourselves to Reina, the new Administrative Assistant at DVR. Reina will be working in the Independent Living program approximately ten hours a week. Her supervisor is Regina from the TBI program.



The minutes from the September SILC meeting were unanimously approved after a motion by Buna and a second by Anna.


Center Spotlight

Larry Williams, SILC member and Executive Director of the Center for Disabilities (CFD) in Pueblo, presented information about his center. CFD has recently purchased a large building that is being refitted to meet the center’s needs. In addition to the open concept space for the IL program, the building will house an exercise room, drop-in center, storage facility, and thrift store.  CFD’s origins are in the local Goodwill. The center broke away as an independent living center in 1991. CFD serves approximately 1100 unduplicated consumers each year. Programs include Medicaid Home Modification and Personal Care Provider (PCP services. Larry is hoping that the center will soon have a Medicaid license for operating In-Home Support Services. Larry acknowledged that the center has had some conflicts with the deaf and hard of hearing community. He explained the current staffing situation and said that he would remain for the public comment period to hear from consumers. He also expected some of his staff and board to speak.


Committee Reports

SPIL: Anna reported that the SPIL committee has decided to repeat its purpose at the beginning of each meeting, and to alternate meetings between review of the current SPIL and development of the new SPIL. We are hoping to get existing disability –related organizations to host public forums using our survey questions.

Public Policy: Buna explained that the committee has decided to stick with community transition, but take a look at the barriers between organizations and agencies that consumers must use to make their move.

Membership: Judy told the group that there had been a disappointing lack of response to the email she sent to potential members. She hopes that SILC members will continue to recruit members from their colleagues and acquaintances.


DVR Report

Sue has been focused on moving forward with the OIB RFP. She told the SILC that there are only two site reviews scheduled for this fiscal year: Atlantis and Northwest Colorado CIL (formerly Independent Life Center). For these and future reviews, staff from the state auditor’s office will become part of the review team. Sue formally introduced us to Reina, letting us know that she is shared with three other programs, and will be able to devote ten hours per week to the IL Program.


SRC Report

Buna attended the SRC retreat which had a theme of “Rebuilding DVR.” She said that, like the SILC, the SRC is struggling with recruiting and maintaining membership.


Financial Report

The SILC has spent about 10% of the annual budget. The approximate cost of the September meeting in Glenwood Springs is $4,500.


SILC Coordinator Report

Judy reported that in addition to working on membership, she is continuing to work with DVR and Boards and Commissions on the Executive Order changes and membership terms and titles. She is also revising the Operations Guide and looking for inconsistencies with current by-laws.


Old Business

Julia said that she is still looking at stock photos for use on a new banner.


New Business

After a short discussion, Julia made a motion seconded by Anna to approve the draft changes to the executive order and to have all SILC members re-apply in order to have staggered terms. The motion was approved.


Julia told the SILC that the By-laws are out of date and should be reviewed. She will appoint a subcommittee for this task.


ACCIL Report

Larry said that his second year as ACCIL chair will end next month. Linda Taylor will become Chair and Dixie Herring will be Chair-elect. John Wooster’s role has shifted to fundraising. The ACCIL is starting to consider succession planning due to the inevitability of several directors retiring over the next few years. A project that the ACCIL is considering is for all centers to hold a disability pride parade or event on the same day of the year.


Deaf Ambassador Program

Billy Allen updated the SILC by telephone on this program. For those who were not familiar with the program, he reviewed that the state was divided horizontally into three regions. A representative, who works at an CIL, from each region introduces a deaf consumer to the staff at the closest center and facilitates a discussion about the consumer’s needs. Then, the center staff begins to work directly with the consumer, arranging for the necessary effective communication. Currently, the program does not have a representative in the southern region.


Travel Reimbursements

Sue went over the travel forms, reinforcing the importance of correct information pertaining to times of travel, mileage, and per diem. She also reminded us that we need to get the forms in promptly so that each meeting’s cost can be calculated. The last possible date for returning the forms is that 60th day after the date of travel. No expenses submitted after that date will be paid.


Public Comment

Eight (?) members of the local deaf and hard of hearing community and one CFD board member spoke during this period. Comments were primarily about the lack of interpreting services through the county as consumers need them to communicate with doctors, police, emergency personnel, and others who are encountered during everyday tasks. Some were unhappy that CFD has hired someone to work with the deaf community who does not know deaf culture and does not use sign language.


(Julia, I will add to this when I get your sign in sheet. Also, do we want to have a statement from each person who spoke, or just the basic content of the comments?)


Deaf Services Presentation

Angela Tenorio, who works in Deaf Services at The Independence Center, presented the findings of her research funded by a grant from the Colorado Commission for the Deaf. Her presentation included an overview of deaf culture and the need for those who serve the deaf community to understand that culture. She also identified the best qualities for IL staff who serve the deaf and hard of hearing community. During this project, Angela visited or spoke with staff at all ten centers for independent living. Only about half of the centers have specific programs for deaf or hard of hearing consumers. All centers have a video phone installed for use by consumers.


SILC Basics

Judy conducted a brief hands-on activity to remind members of the SILC’s mission statement and mandated duties.


Adjourned at 4:15

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