General Meeting
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Quality Inn
Denver, CO 80216
200 W. 48th Ave.
Draft Minutes (Version 1)
** Deb had to conference into the meeting due to weather issues in Sugar City, and our microphone batteries needed to be replaced. While we were waiting for Julia to get new batteries, we decided to make use of our time and fill out travel forms for Rob. The meeting started at 9:32 AM.
Call to order/introductions/Chairperson’s remarks
Present: Anna French, Priscilla Carlson, Deb Lehn (via conf call), DVR Director Joelle Brouner, Brittany Newcomb from Atlantis, Travis Morgan, Lori Sommers, Buna Dahal, Larry Williams, Julia Beems, Rob Buzogany (interim DSU), Jean Hammes, Sandy Lahmann, Jennifer Silva, Mario Rocha, Christina Johnson from Atlantis/CCDC
Not present: Martha Mason and Jerry Michel
Came in later: David Robinson from CPWD, Joe Anzures, and Jane Schiele from MHILC
Approval of minutes
Correction: Sandy was not at the meeting so whoever presented should be named for giving the Financial Report (it was Julia who gave it at the January meeting).
Larry made the motion, Julia seconded it, all but one said “aye,” Sandy made an abstention to not vote, MOTION APPROVED.
Committee Reports
Executive (Anna) – Our last meeting was on Mar 6. Anna read through her Executive Report. Also, noted that the SILC has a new phone number 303-968-6546. Rob is handling the travel forms. He also handed out the most updated per diem rates.
SPIL (Buna) – We had our last meeting in February. We are working on the data collecting. We came up with a survey, and, so far, 6 out of 10 responded. We will be working on the consumer survey, so look for that to come up.
Finance (Sandy) – The SILC had to transition from the way that Sue Fager did the reports to how Rob Buzogany (i.e. state/DVR) did them. There were multiple errors in the coding system so Karen Prince (DVR Program Assistant) was trying to get this straightened out, but Karen said it could be awhile because this is not her primary job. Joelle promised that Karen will get to it and will get this worked out, there are people doing multiple jobs – Joelle wants to make a standing and general commitment to the SILC, DVR has every commitment in good faith and be as flexible as they can be, as long we are following the state & federal guidelines. Karen is going back to see what expenses were left. Priscilla is going to back through her emails and create a list of what she knows. Jennifer asked if we have an idea? Sandy thinks we are under-spent. Joelle promises that we will get the money, even if DVR has to cover it. She asked everyone to make a list of concerns for submission by April 12. Sandy feels overwhelmed. Joelle completely understands because she had experience in her previous position. She feels confident that this will be resolved. Rob said that Karen will work with Sandy as much as possible and will join the finance meetings to help. Jean suggested that, in going forward, we should formalize a process and get that process captured. Sandy thinks the audit is the first step. Buna appreciates Joelle’s commitment, create a procedure and work on it and make it better.
Membership (Julia) – The Boards and Commissions have approved Sandy, Jean, Mario, and Lori. Deb had not received it yet. Jennifer can still go to meetings but will not be appointed until October 1.
Public Policy (Lori) – They had their first meeting on March 6 with Lori as their new Chair. They are looking into IL transitions from the ILCs and ARCHs. HCPF is coming this afternoon to explain more.
Website/Data Collecting (Julia) – They are collecting info for all of the counties, teaming with the Department of Health so we can have that data readily available for everyone in the state. There is already a plethora of info. Julia and Jean are working with a state demographer. We need new pictures, so we want to take some today, if we have time. Consent forms need to be filled out every year. Website changes are in effect.
Youth (Joe) – The meeting was postponed in February due to personal reasons. We are meeting next week on March 27th at 4:00 PM.
DVR Report (Rob / Joelle)
Joelle: The Joint Budget Committee (JBC) has decided that DVR will continue to be housed / will remain in the CDHS, which means that the CILs will also be with DVR. The CILs did receive more funding. There are more people off of the waiting list for services.
DVR has been having monthly meetings with ACCIL and Atlantis. All three parties share the common goal of helping people with disabilities. Joelle asked Larry to help her real. CCB thinks people are not receiving the services they need from DVR. Both the NFB and CCDC have been going to conferences on behalf of DVR and the stakeholders so that everything can be more successful.
DVR Audit: There were 4 audits on DVR which revealed that in the areas of program, fiscal, single state, and IT, there was issues resulting into 20 areas of fining. A total of 69 parts need to be completed and implemented before end of 2014. They formed a task force (3 of them and overseeing 20). They are 17% are completed now. They are making improvements in policy and practice, but they still have to work on the cultural piece and working on aligning goals.
- – Jean asked: Does Joelle have to participate for C-STAT? Joelle answered: Yes, it’s based on model of analyzing information to solve problems.
DVR are starting to serve people that have been on their waiting list. There are 501 people off on the waiting list. On April 15, there will be around 1,000 people getting service. After that, another 45 days later, DVR will add another 1,000 people who have been waiting to get services.
SRC Report (Buna)
SRC is re-organizing so that is their primary focus. Everyone is excited about waiting list!
SILC Coordinator Report (Priscilla)
Lori and Priscilla went to SILC Congress in January 18-21, 2014. They will have a quick presentation this afternoon.
Paula from ILRU will be coming to Denver to have some trainings with a couple of the CILs, so everyone is invited to attend, including SILC members.
SILC has its own phone number (303-968-6546). It is a month-to-month cell phone from Verizon. Priscilla used her name to set it up and donated an older iPhone 4. It is $45 + taxes & fees every month, and it has unlimited phone calls and texts with 250 MB of data every month. It can be easily transferred to anyone on a Verizon plan in the event of a new coordinator.
Old Business – (Julia) Membership (see Julia’s report below)
New Business – Storage locker & new ad hoc committee
Storage: Julia and Priscilla obtained a storage locker, located at 2020 Arapahoe. It’s a 5 x 5 storage unit so that Julia can have her garage cleaned out! This unit is open for everyone’s use for the Council.
Ad hoc: We need to update the forms, guidelines, timelines, budgets (when they are due), how to decide on a hotel/food, etc. We need to make sure all forms are in and updated on a yearly basis and keeping track everything. Who wants to be on it? Julia, Jean, Jennifer, and Priscilla are now on the committee.
Highlight 704 Report from 2013
This is the annual report from each center that is compiled to send to feds. This gives a statewide picture of the year. The report is on the SILC website. Looking at the report, members could see who was served and how many completed their goals, whether they had multiple goals or just signed a waiver (only one goal), their age and demographics (typical age was 25+), gender, race, etc. Members noted that mental health numbers are rising. It is difficult to assess the numbers and match them from the State vs the Federal government because of people who may identify as having one or having multiple disabilities, it is difficult to differentiate.
ACCIL Report (Larry)
For the 704 Report, it seemed to Larry and the rest of the Council that the numbers are quite low because in his center alone, Pueblo has more consumers.
The ACCIL is saddened about Atlantis not being part of the group anymore. The ACCIL was able to get an extra $130,000 to each center.
Mile High is still not certified yet.
DVR & ACCIL are trying to work together.
- o They formed a Contract Committee to change contracts to be more amenable to the centers while still following DVR standards. They have to come up with the new contracts by mid-April to be designed for July 1 deadline.
- o JBC has been positive about the CIL and how the CILs are saving the state money by the transitions. The ACCIL lobbyist is working to get the money from the JBC.
- o **Rob will double check the numbers from the 704 in 2013.
**David Robinson from CPWD just joined us at the meeting in person.
Membership (Julia): There are new things we need to do for the Membership Committee. We can no longer have more than 15 members (it used to 23 members, at most). The majority of them have to have a disability. For obtaining new SILC members, we now have to classify our Council as “Members with a disability” or “Members without a disability.”
Julia is referencing Jean McAllister’s (from the Boards & Commissions – B&C) list. The Governor wants to choose the members, not us. The new process is that we tell B&C what we are looking for (or what we are short of, regionally or demographically), and they will find a person.
We have to have:
- – Ex-officio (non-voting members): a DSU and 2 members from 2 different state agencies (B&C chose HCPF and Department of Education). Since the SILC doesn’t do a lot with Education, the entire Council felt that the Division of Housing would be a better choice because accessible AND affordable housing in Colorado is one of the major issues, especially when CILs are transitioning people out of nursing homes.
- o Once a nursing home resident chooses options counseling, there is a limited time that the resident has left before they are discharged out. Without housing, that is one of the reasons why there is a large population of homeless people in Colorado.
- – Voting members: Larry (ACCIL), Travis (121 or 741), Martha (center director), …
Right now, the ex-officio members are vacant. Terms for everyone (see attached document from Feb 2014).
- – Deb & Jennifer are not members yet, but can still come to meetings, and we will pay for them to attend
Council members think it’s very inconvenient and will be difficult to get new members.
- – Rob said that every board is having to go through membership process for every B & C, everyone is being scrutinized. That is why it is imperative that every detail needs to be done. If one part of the application is kicked back, they have to start back at step number 1.
- – Julia said that it is very important to understand those processes.
- – Buna thought that by the way the Governor is going paperless, this was supposed to make these applications easier.
- – The SILC should have 1 FT staff person and a person to take notes
- – All of this needs to be included in our Operations Guide
In June, we will start the process over again. For the state agency/ex-officio, B&C chose HCPF. Tim Cortez was appointed, by his director, to the SILC. To appoint a SILC member from the Division of Housing, the SILC will have to ask the top director of Housing who he/she can appoint to us.
**Joe joined us for Lunch
Public Comment Period
Christina Johnson from Atlantis: She wanted to remind everyone that the home modification program is still seeing problems. There is very little awareness that it even exists. Plus, each county is different in how they operate the program, so this needs be uniform across the state. She, as a representative from Atlantis and a person with a disability, would like see this that SILC endorse that.
Joelle Brouner from DVR announced that they are planning to hire an Executive Director to a half-time SRC Director and a half-time SILC Director. This person would handle policy issues, emerging issues with the state, working with the state, policy issues and drafting briefs, and increase the capacity of both councils. The Executive also would work with both the chairs of both councils and only the chairs can give out assignments to the Executive Director to be completed.
Both Council Chairs would have a meeting twice a month with the E.D. Joelle wants to grow SILC capacity and help with the basic planning of both Councils. Joelle said that they maybe even hire a half-time staff person to help. The next step is to develop a job description.
SILC Congress 2014 (Priscilla & Lori) – What We Learned & Recommendations
Priscilla presented a PowerPoint presentation with the notes from Lori, who also attended. Both of them appreciated the opportunity to represent the Colorado SILC! While they met a lot of people and networked, two things became quite clear to them:
- It would be beneficial if one of the attendees were a seasoned SILC member. That way the new member could have someone who knows the history of the decisions being made and that the implications are of what the topics are.
- With learning what the SILC is and is not, Priscilla’s recommendation would be to explore the possibility of going to either the NCIL or APRIL Conferences or switch off every other year.
CDHS update (Mary McGhee) – Mary was unable to attend the meeting.
HealthCare Policy & Financing (HCPF) – Rene Hickman
Rene, Tim, and Nora from HCPF to talk about the new CCT program. They showed a PPT slideshow and brought information to meeting.
- – Notes from the PPT:
- o Started in 2010. It took 3 years to get the processes going. Ten people have transitioned so far.
- o With the CCT Eligibility, when it says that they must be residing in a long-term care facility (minimum 90 consecutive days), they also mean “post-rehab.”
- o Transition residents will have a Transition Coordinator and an intensive county case manager.
- o How will we know if the former residents will be taken care of after their transitions?
- CCT Demonstration Services will allow people to have access for 365 days, and after that, they will still get the HCBS waivers. After that, they will need to complete 3 surveys to measure their success, but they will still have a case manager.
- o There are still issues of people not getting told about their options.
- o As of July 1, ILCs will start receiving funding for their options counseling. They would have to be in accordance with option counseling standards.
- o There are 75 Bridge Vouchers, there are 30 vouchers with Denver Housing, and 2 years of rent assistance.
- o The Home Modifications program was moved under the Department of Housing.
- o For more info see: Colorado Choice Transitions – – 303-866-2649 –
Center Spotlight at the Center – Melanie Tem from Mile High Independent Living Center – 110 16th Street – Denver, CO 80202
Members are highly encouraged to attend the tour, although the Mile High Independent Living Center has limited parking (metered or lot) and the center has limited space for visitors.
**Jane Schiele from MHILC came in Melanie’s place to talk about their Center:
They are opening a satellite office soon and hoping to move to a bigger center.
We are partnering with other community partners for workshops for ADA, Work Credits, Tax Preparations, and Sign Language.
They are struggling with having enough room to have Life Skills Trainings and Peer Supports. They are coming back from darker time for the Center, so with changing their name and getting back to the roots of IL philosophy, they know that they will be back, stronger than ever.