Colorado SILC Meetings 2011 -2015

Meeting Minutes, January 18, 2012

Colorado SILC

January 18, 2012

Hyatt Summerfield Suites, Denver    9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

(minutes approved on March 21, 2012)


Members present: Debbie Petersen, Julia Beems, Anna French, Larry Williams*, Martha Mason *, Buna Dahal*, Autumn Gold*

*pending appointment

Excused absence: Hope Kraus

DVR staff: Joel Pavelis, Sue Fager

Guests: Joe Anzures, John Wooster, Senator Irene Aguilar

Staff: Judy Neal


Call to Order and Introductions:

Debbie Petersen, Chair, introduced the new Independent Living Program Coordinator for DVR, Sue Fager. Sue was part of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant team and has experience with independent living programs in Minnesota.


Approval of Minutes:

Julia Beems made a motion to accept the minutes of the November SILC meeting. Anna French seconded the motion. The minutes were approved without changes.


DVR Report:

Joel Pavelis reported that the Independent Living Rules are currently posted and will soon move into the public hearing phase. A meeting to review the rules with Boards and Commissions is scheduled for February 22. Joel reported that Lynnae Rutledge has resigned as RSA Commissioner. Joel and Sue are reviewing the corrective action plans submitted by the centers. Changes on the horizon include a move to cost reimbursement contracts with the CILs. Joel reported that most of the evaluations from the November IL training were positive, and the thanked the SILC again for financial support of the training.


SILC Coordinator Report:

Judy Neal spoke briefly about the SILC Congress, delaying most of the information for later on the agenda.


ACCIL Report:

Larry Williams said that he and John Wooster are still working on a manual that will define IL services, address CSRs, give samples of good IL goals, and help centers produce consistent reports. He reported that the ACCIL was facing some challenges as several centers either have a new director or are in a search for a director. Some of the centers have reached out to ACCIL members for technical assistance with their corrective action plans, but some troubled centers are not participating in ACCIL meetings at the moment.


SRC Report:

Debbie told the SILC that the most recent SRC meeting had been cancelled due to snow, and that it will not be rescheduled.


Financial Report:

Judy briefly reviewed the SILC finance report and announced that there would be a budget analysis presented at the March meeting. Julia requested that the reporting month be added to the heading of the document, and that a legend be placed at the bottom of the SILC check register for abbreviations and acronyms.


Committee Reports:

Membership: Judy reported that applications for membership and renewals  have been forwarded to Rebecca to start the formal process.

Public Policy: Anna talked about the committee’s research and information gathering pertaining to community transition. Buna reported that she is working with the BEP as a possible partner in a “Meet and Greet” with the legislature for next year. Larry requested that the ACCIL be given the opportunity to be a partner as well.

SPIL: Julia said that the SPIL committee would begin meeting very soon, and that she is looking forward to implementing ideas learned at the SILC Congress

Finance: In preparation for year-end expenditures, Debbie asked that SILC members think about purchases that would enhance the ability of the SILC to carry out its duties.


Center Spotlight:

Martha Mason, Executive Director of Southwest Center for Independence, talked about the Durango based CIL. She announced that she was expanding her staff by using an Americorps volunteer. SWCI has also been receiving technical assistance for their nursing home transition from HCPF. In addition to the regular IL program, the center administers75 Housing Choice vouchers and has a small OIB program.  Martha said that housing is a real challenge for her consumers because Durango has a big divide between the “haves and have nots She also reminded us that her email has changed and that the center’s name is Southwest Center for Independence, not Independent living.


Old Business:

Debbie asked that SILC members review the website and give feedback to Judy. She announced that the March SILC meeting would be held in Colorado Springs and that the May SILC meeting would be held in an underverved area or an area for a potential CIL satellite office. Glenwood Springs is a possible location, but there is no commitment yet. Officers will be elected at the May meeting, and a new officer retreat may be held in June.


New Business: There was no new business brought forward.


SILC Congress Report:

Julia and Judy reported on the four days of the SILC Congress. The emphasis was on SPIL Development and Needs Assessment.  Many new ideas about how to gather information and get stakeholders involved in the SPIL process were discussed. Julia and Judy will make all of the SILC Congress handouts available to SILC members.


Working Lunch:

Debbiei was reading highlights from the legislative handout furnished by Senator Irene Aguilar when Senator Aguilar made a brief appearance to talk about communicating with legislators. Among her suggestions: send personal letters; show up to testify and bring a unique perspective; and arrange for meetings at the Capitol, preferably on Friday afternoons. She reminded us that the most successful “Meet and Greets” included good food and a good crowd. She encouraged us to make our voices heard by saying that, “one vote can count.”


Public Comment: There was no public comment.


SILC Basics:

Judy conducted a training that was primarily targeted to new members. There was a brief review of IL history and philosophy; presentation of the primary IL stakeholders; and a breakout into smaller groups to work on Bob Michael’s SILC 101 quiz. The materials used, as well as others in the new member orientation packet will be added to the SILC website.


Adjourn:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.