Colorado SILC Meetings 2011 -2015

Meeting Minutes – January 15, 2014

General Meeting
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

HYATT PLACE Colorado Springs / Garden of the Gods
503 W. Garden of the Gods Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Meeting Minutes

Call to order/introductions/Chairperson’s remarks

Present: Jennifer, Travis, Mario, Julia, Martha, Larry, Rob, Joe, Jerry, Jean, Anna, & Priscilla

Not present: Sandy, Buna, Lori, Deb

Guests: Robin B, Dixie Herring & Chris Gardner from The IC

Two Interpreters from the Sign Language Network (Victoria and ??)

Center Spotlight is going to take place at the Center

Thanks to Julia for taking care of Chair in Anna’s absence during the months of Oct – Dec 2013


Anna – advocate for CAP, Chair, service dog Rune, Oct 12, 48

Jean – Alpine on Area Aging, part of the Data Collecting Committee 7/21/60

Jerry – farmer in northeast CO, 7-26-61

Joe – IBM retiree, inner schools, Project 18, welding classes, 12-10-51

Christina – IC staff, 12-2-69

Dixie – director of The IC, 7-27-57

Rob – DVR, taking Sue’s place, 12-18-64

Robin – DVR, school to work alliance program statewide, 6-7-68

Larry – IL Pueblo Executive Director, 1-31-38

Martha – SWILC Executive Director 8-25-58

Julia – AT Partners, 12-13-59

Mario – CCA student, 10-10-95

Travis – 121 Program, 4-3-71

Jennifer – clinic director in Alamosa, 11-28-71

Priscilla – Coordinator, 2-20-78

Patricia Y – The IC Executive Director 7-29

Approval of minutes

Joe made the motion, Julie made the 2nd, all were in favor… Motion APPROVED.

Electronic applications and Quick SILC Refresher

The Governor’s Office wants everything to be paperless so from now on everyone has to complete a new application and has to submit their resume. New members just have to do it: Deb, Sandy, Jennifer, Travis, Mario.

While the new members were filling out their applications and submitting resumes, Priscilla went over a quick SILC Refresher. We talked about the IL Philosophy and which services different centers have.

Committee Reports (Committee Chairs)

Youth (Joe)

  • – They will be meeting next week
  • – SWAP to look at programs for high schools (JeffCo, Denver Public Schools) to have the transit academy in October 2014.   They will have about 18-22 youth from ages 14-22 years old. They might be working with Dr Cog and RTD Fast Tracks, Denver Commission for People with Disabilities Stock Show event, etc
  • – Also working on Emergency Preparedness certification community response training for you – Joe will get those flyers to Priscilla so we can put them on the CO SILC website

Public Policy (Deb) – Nothing to report yet

Membership (Julia)

  • – We are fully constituted through Sept
  • – We will need to recruit 3 new members when Anna, Larry, & Julia term out. We will need a member to cover Larry’s region, east central of the state, and someone from the Fort Collins area
    • o Priscilla will send out roster to everyone on SILC

SPIL (Buna)

– We have looked at the goals at the end of last year, and we are working with Data Collecting Committee (Deb Peterson with SRC, Jean Hammes from Alpine Agency, and Julia Beems from AT Partners) to gather information from various agencies about to “who” and the “where” and they will create maps with overlays so we can have that as a resource on our website so everyone can access the resources in the state.

Website (Priscilla & Julia)

  • – We are constantly updating our website.   We need new pictures, the stories from the 704 reports and pictures, etc.
  • – We will be obtaining consent release forms for pictures.

Financial (Sandy) – Since Sandy was absent at the meeting, Julia went over the her reports

  • – We are trying to spend down the budget, but the accommodations and travel are more expensive because we have more members across the state.
  • – SILC Congress is coming up.   Priscilla & Lori are going to represent Colorado. It is in San Diego, CA from January 18 – 21, 2014.
  • – We might do a financial training for SILC but CIL can join us because, as a SILC, we are not allowed to pay for training for the CILs.
  • – We have spent 19% of the budget, so far
  • – Larry asked Rob about getting the reimbursement for Larry’s friend Frank Thullen
  • – Priscilla will email Rob for membership dues for signing up as members of NCIL and APRIL
  • – Travel reimbursement are already filled out

SRC Report (Buna) – Buna couldn’t attend so Anna got the notes from her co-worker, Jeff

  • – There is a new DVR director, Joelle Brouner.
  • – Everyone was busy with the state audits about finance, what needs to be done for corrections / modifications, and there will be more active in their roles.

DVR / SWAP program – Rob & Robin

  • – OIB contracts are finally done
  • – Sue has a different job so Rob in temporarily in her role along with his job
  • – RSA is doing a site review for Part C $ on Atlantis & Mile High at the end of the month. RSA will look at DVR & SILC in 2015.
  • – In answer to the question of what can DVR do? Employment assistance.   Here is an example on what they are working on now:
    • o Promise Grant (Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income) – targeting youth on SSI (connecting 5 states called Aspire – Rob will send me vague info until it gets fully approved). Services provided to youth and their parents (ASPIRE)
    • o This will include a center-person approach and cultural competency training
    • o Travis has heard of this before and working on this since he serves on the Utah Board
    • o Robin will email me the information

No Old Business / New Business

  • – We will be electing new officers and need nominations for the new officers that will be starting July 1, 2014 and goes thru June 2015. Buna was Chair Elect but doesn’t want to be. We take self-nominations or you can nominate someone else.
  • – National ADA (NADA) Symposium will be held June 18-22, 2014. SILC can maybe have their retreat, Julia can ask for a table, and maybe have our SILC Retreat on that Thursday?

121 Program (Travis Morgan)

  • – Ute Mount Voc Rehab 121 Prog is a competitive grant for every 5 years
  • – Travis does programs with other states, serves on a State Board people with disabilities with Ute Mountain.
    • o Priscilla LOVES Travis because he is going to send her the stuff!
  • – Common misconceptions are that people think Voc Rehab will help pay their bills – VR does not stand for Vehicle Repair – so Tribal Council has to do a lot of educating – 6 of the 7 council members are new and came thru DVR program.

SILC Coordinator Report (Priscilla Carlson)

  • – Trying to find the best deal for hotels and services is always a high priority.
  • – Sue got a blanket authorization to pay for travel for our members to go the full SILC meetings so we had a lot of paperwork
  • – Did a lot of paperwork for the SILC Congress trip coming up

Public Comment Period

– One person showed up for Public Comment. Their concern was for helping people with disabilities who might be undocumented. Where are the resources for them?

ACCIL Report (Larry Williams)

  • – There have been problems with DVR and the processing of bills, especially with getting the money in a timely manner.   Some centers have been really struggling to stay afloat.
  • – There are monthly meetings with DVR Director Joelle Brouner. Things are looking up.
  • – ACCIL is thinking about going after additional dollars from the state ($750,000).
  • – Hopefully, Mile High could get certified in time for receiving their state and Part B money.

Board & Commissions Online training update (Mary McGhee)

– Mary was unable to make it to this meeting, so Julia talked about the online Boards & Commissions training we all have to do complete and pass to be on a Governor’s Board.


Center Spotlight at the Center – Touring The Independence Center –

729 S. Tejon – Colorado Springs, CO   80903 (Phone #: 719-471-8181)

Members are highly encouraged to attend the Center Spotlight at The Independence Center. We will be caravanning to the Center after the meeting is adjourned. Members can carpool or ride with one of us, and we will take you back to the hotel or your car, if need be